Irregular verbs dictionary for Goldendict

Irregular verbs dictionary LSD, DSL

Here is irregular verbs dictionary made by Igor Mostitsky which contains:

More than 500 irregular verbs; more than 300 verbs have translations (English to Russian actually). Most important for learning verbs have specific mark (importance rate):
one bold point corresponds to one rank level. 5 is the highest rank. Most popular verbs has transcription.

NB: *.lsd binary format intended for AbbyLingvo x5 and could not be used with GoldenDict desktop version only in mobile.


In order to convert *.lsd AbbyLingvo binary file I used cool lsdreader project (python2 applicable):

pip2 install lingvoreader
lsdreader -i En-Ru_Most_Irregular_Verbs.lsd -o decoded/

In order to compress generated DSL to * file i used dictzip executable which supplied in apt-get in Debian

sudo apt-get install dictzip
dictzip En-Ru_Most_Irregular_Verbs.dsl

will produce

Here is comprehensive list of supported by GoldenDict formats